Watch our 2020 Sunshine Virtual Event


Watch our 2020 Sunshine Virtual Event

On Saturday, August 29th, 2020 we hosted our annual Sunshine Event virtually in hopes of spreading positivity and educating our community on mental health. We’re proud to share that we raised over $40,000 to be put toward suicide prevention and mental health advocacy programs.


A Look Back at 2018


A Look Back at 2018

We want to thank everyone for another year of unwavering support - we could not do this without you. Here’s a snapshot of the work and contributions we made in 2018.


Sun Sentinel: Sunshine at the Park event has suicide-prevention focus


Sun Sentinel: Sunshine at the Park event has suicide-prevention focus

After Dylan Schopp took his own life at Markham Park in Sunrise last February, his family formed an organization to raise money and draw awareness to suicide prevention. The Dylan Schopp Foundation's inaugural Sunshine at the Park fundraiser marked the foundation's first anniversary by celebrating the life of the beloved 21-year-old.


Friendship Saves Lives


Friendship Saves Lives

In the 364 days since your passing, a lot has happened. We’ve cried together, laughed together and grown stronger, together. Along the way, a few more have fallen, but your light has kept us warm. Your spirit has guided us home and your memory has taught us all.